Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's a GREAT idea.

So. I had this crazy idea. Clearly, I need to build an mp3 player into a pocketwatch (i.e., a pocketwatch case with an mp3 player inside it.)

I've been trying to figure out how to design this. I decided to base my design on the Echo, since it looked like the smallest homebrew mp3 player on the market - with a few modifications. I'm going to use an AVR processor, because I can talk to it in C (as a friend of mine said, "Being able to speak in C to a processor is like finding out your mail-order Russian bride speaks English"). Also, I'm using microSD for storage instead of regular SD - I'm going to have to do crazy miniaturization to get it all to fit. Oh, and I'm using a cooler music decoder chip.

...ok, so it probably isn't really the same design now. But you get the idea.

Components I need to get:
-Pocketwatch case, as large as possible
-MicroSD card and some socket that can talk to it
-A processor. AVR?
-Audio jack and whatever associated hardware it wants
-mp3 decoder chip
-an LCD. I'm going to go with the same one they used for the Echo, because it's small and cheap.

I'll probably have to get a custom PCB made when I'm ready to put it together for real. batchPCB looks like they've got some pretty good deals.

Anyway, ordering from SparkFun now. More news when the box of toys gets here!

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